This is diving...
Diving is a year round sport. Diving is not a consolation sport for those who decide not to swim. Diving is the ultimate form of grace, beauty, and athleticism. A diver must be able to perform a physically and mentally challenging act, in unison, in just 2 seconds and make it look effortless, in control, and beautiful. Diving is an individual team sport that fosters confidence, courage and a commitment to excellence. A diver will truly excel when working and competing with others on their team.
Conquering fear is something divers do every time they are on the board. When a diver smacks and has that feeling of “broken glass” pressing against their body; it means they are truly divers - pushing their mind and body to excel beyond the milk run of mediocrity. Some cry upon smacking, some just suck-it-up and some still think the redness will eventually turn to a tan ;). If you dive long enough you will become a very good diver – just how good will be up to your positive commitment, mental strength, and coaching.